Monday, October 13, 2008

Well, Wednesday night is the final Presidential debate. The debate will be moderated by Bob Schieffer of CBS. Hopefully he will do a better job than Jim Lehrer and Tom Brokaw- neither of them seemed to ever be in control. This election is so important- I hope people can get past all the negative campaigning and look at what is at stake and vote for the candidate that they feel is most qualified.


Unknown said...

Tom and Jim are getting on in age and neither were very dictatorial to begin with - probably good for an interview, but not for a moderator.

I think they need some leather skinned seen-it-all-done-it-all type of moderator... one who won't take any s-word from the politicians. They need a biker... a big burly hairy motorcycle rider with tattoos.

I guess we'll see how Bob does first. :)

Crism said...

They might have been looking toward the future when one of the men the moderators were supposed to be controlling will be the President of the US. As a journalist you don't want to piss off the President over a little thing like running over time with his answer during a debate.